Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Brooklyn is no place for me.

Well the third beer that I will be reviewing is a summer ale that is done by Brooklyn Brewery, I will admit it took me awhile to do this review because for me this just wasn't a strong outing for a new beer or in my opinion Brooklyn Brewery. It is good to have good and bad beer, how else are you going to get people to try different beer I just always feel letdown when I think I am going to drink a great beer when sometimes they are no better than your run of the mill cheapo beer. Enough about that let us get down to business.

LOOK: As always I like to start with the eye candy factor of a beer, this one was ok nothing jumped out at me though. It had the color of apple cider, the head or lack there of was very light reminded me of a Budweiser or Miller so already starting off I knew I was going down a road I wanted no part of. 

SMELL: This beer to be honest was just a surprise all around and not the good kind, the smell of the beer smelled like copper or some other kind of metal. I know some beer will have that smell but not a big fan of the smell in something I enjoy. It also had  very hoppy notes with a light fruit smell that was overpowered by the metal/hop mixture. The beer continues to leave me wanting more, so much so that my nose retired for the night.

TASTE: Now this is my favorite part of drinking beer, and even more so now that I actually take the time to taste the beer and not see how many beers I can down a night. This beer had I been new to micro beers would have left me thinking that the big guys have the only taste there is and they are cheaper. Anyway the first sip the head of the beer is in more of the sip than actual liquid, now when I do get a sip of beer the taste is fruity but very dry. It definitely gives the summer vibe, but for me it has to be a summer in India which I am more of a beach guy myself. The aftertaste was very dry and I love dry beer, but this beer just continually left me wanting more. I would love to try more Brooklyn brews but for a first outing this was a strike.

Thanks for reading,

Jon The Beer Guy